Words From The CEO

ceo steven archer

Welcome to Demolition Estimating Services USA! I am excited to offer our premier services and for the collaborative journey ahead. With 14+ years in the USA’s construction sector, I have worked with several clients. However, working with clients in not just about business; it is about providing clients with precise and efficient cost estimates to secure more projects. Founded in 2010, our company’s mission is to help you win profitable demolition contracts in the United States of America.

By leveraging cutting-edge estimation technologies, our team of certified estimators provides reliable and accurate estimates. These estimations help you streamline the estimating process and save time and money. Our on-time delivery ensures you can submit bids within deadlines, giving you a competitive edge in bidding.

We offer more than leading demolition estimation services. We are your trusted partner in winning bids and achieving business success. Our estimators work closely with clients to deliver tailored, precise estimates that make you stand out.

Looking ahead, I plan to expand our premier demolition estimates services beyond the US. By offering our services in major countries, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, we can help contractors secure more projects. Join us as we aim to provide precise construction estimates worldwide

Steven Archer ceo